Saturday, June 18, 2011

Cornetto Girl (Part 2)

“It will not be called a treat if you pay me back”

                I could not sense any reaction from her. I turned my back at her and continued my way back to class, with a really slow pace. I was hoping for her to walk with me. Fortunately, she did. I could not be happier that day. Not just I had bought her the Cornetto ice cream, but I walked with the same rhythm as her. Along the way back to class, we spent the entire time talking to each other. It was the first conversation I had with her. At last, I could make her smile. She was so charming that I would love to see her smile every day.

                From that historical moment onwards, we grew up closer. We spent the most time together. I could really felt something different about her. Everyone was envious of me. At first, I took it as nothing big. However, my closeness with May had sparked the flare of jealousy in someone’s heart. It was Sarah. Sarah was my childhood friend, who I grew up with. The way we were at that time, I could feel nothing bloomed beyond friendship. Unfortunately, I could not say the same thing for her.

                At one fateful night, May called me and asked for my time. Her stuttered voice told me that something was wrong with her. We promised to meet at the park. I immediately dashed to the park knowing the cloudy and windy cloud promised rain. I soon found her sitting by the swings. I was right. She really had some problems. I tried to comfort her and gave her some encouragement. Finally, I could see her face enbrightenned.

                Unintentionally, I looked away just to find someone had been stalking us. Sarah had been watching us. She could have misunderstood the situation. As I was calling her, she turned back and started running. To chase Sarah or to stay with May. It was the hardest decision yet in my life, when suddenly, I was called by May. She nodded. From that, I knew she was telling me to go after Sarah. I wasted no time and started running full speed.

It was the fastest run I had. I only took a short time to catch up to her. I appeared in front of her, holding out my arm and stopping her in her track. The rain fell down. I caught some breaths before I went to explain everything to her.

“Can’t you see? Our friendship is just like the starlight. I know you could not see it,
 neither do I. But I know, even if it is shrouded by cloud, the starlight is still there.
 Because I believe, the starlight will never fade. Just like our friendship”

                I left her speechless. She wiped her face and looked at the sky. And she smiled. She took a few moment and turn her face at me. She then walked passed me. For some reasons, I knew she understood what had and what will happen. After disappearing from sight, May came to me. She asked me what had happened. I just smiled and said,

“All is well”
                                                                         ~THE END~

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